segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2016


Hello guys
Today I'll show you a new song I just did, and I'll show you guys for now and is called 'Balance' I hope you enjoy ...


Go, go, I will go!
Will I go
It can be Cauntry
Or not, can be
Rock'n Roll or not!
This party pump all
Around her baby

Balance, Balance
I want you here!
Go, go, I will go!
Will I go baby!
"Come swinging"
Get the whip and balance

Maybe Texas and
Even care to see me!
Everything will be
With like cowboy!
My autograph and her!
"Come on swinging

These boots from a master
Care of the horses there
On horses can be
Very angry with you baby yeah "
Come may already be old or not!
Come can now be fun or not!
Come can now scream or not!

Come, come, come, come I will!
Come, come, come, come I will!
Come, come, come, come I will!
If you do not see
Look well!

Four by Four and all the same!
Break the rules and more fun!
Although that makes me happy!
Let's play a game if you want not lost!
Punk may be or not!
Can be Nerd or not!
Symbols confuse me
"Come on repeat myself!"
"Make yourself your dance
Okay now repeat after me babys! "

Go, go, I will go!
Go, go, I will go!
Come on, let's rock
Come on, balance, balance, balance
Balance, I'll go with you
Will I go baby!.

sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2016

All International

Hello guys
Today I will show a new song called 'All International' I hope you enjoy ...
All International
And now official
I go around the world
I will know the whole area
Around the world will see
I want to say goodbye

Where I am living
To run the world
New York, Miami, London
All international
Japan, Spain, Egypt

All international
All internationally
All international
I want to see world holidays
The private plane

Internationals lovers
To complete the journey
All, all international
Love, love yeah
I love all international

Videos of travels
Mainly Vlogs
I do see the adventure
In the air to catch the plane
And take off around the world

All international
I want, I want to see
I want to love
Internationally love
A bodyguard in the middle

International Takers
Miami, London and NYC
I won the truffle
Better world traveler
Can be rich or poor

Everyone wins a trip
International baby
I want to see all International
Internationals lovers

To complete the journey
All, all international
Love, love yeah
I love all international

I do see the adventure
In the air to catch the plane
And take off around the world
All, all international
Love, love yeah
I love all international

All, all international
Love, love yeah
I love all international

Videos of travels
Mainly Vlogs
I do see the adventure
In the air to catch the plane
And take off around the world
All, all international
Love, love yeah
I love all international.

quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2016


Hello guys
I see that you are enjoying the blogger and today will be a good Christmas music called 'Acapella' was a request from a fan who sent me this name for my email and did there continue sending titles of songs, okay Enjoy the letter the music ... U kiss and great for you guys


His voice and so sweet
And make me to compose beautiful things
A sweet melody
Sung by a large choral
Let's turn a heavy song
In a beautiful acapella
I sang on Christmas Eve
In a super beautiful church
Be present at the birth of Jesus
It made me feel so good!
I was born here
The side of my love
So join me
And be forever my acapella
Sing me sweet Christmas carols
With traditional clothing
You said exists and is real
I'll Be Your Santa Claus
And it will be my Mrs. Claus
And together we give our hearts
For all the world's children
This will be very volunteer
Now preparing several hearts
And many toys
I prepared all this to midnight
I will be present worldwide
I want you as an acapella
I know you came across
I want a beautiful acapella tonight
And nothing will set off my acapella
I want a cappella
A wonderful vocal
His voice and so sweet
And make me to compose beautiful things
A sweet melody
Sung by a large choral
Let's turn a heavy song
In a beautiful acapella
I sang on Christmas Eve
In a super beautiful church
Be present at the birth of Jesus
It made me feel so good!
I was born here
The side of my love
So join me
And be forever my acapella
Baby do not say no
And do not deny my sweet acapella !.

domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2016


Hello guys
They liked the last post?
Well today I came here to show you a stronger wildest music, good music this is called Animal:


Get away from
I'm loose
And I can get you
With sharp traps
And animal life
Do you know who I am?
Best not know
For I am in the mood
To devour those who disturb me
I do not know if I look like a Anaconda
But I can hang you and eat you
Without pity or mercy and
I am a forest
I devour everything and then some
Devour you in the river of piranhas
I make you bleed
Gushing gallons of her sweet blood
But I'm an evil beast
And I'm loose in the woods
That and my secret
Not devour vegetarian people
I am among those fatty carnivores
Not like those scrawny
But so will talk again
 I'm close to exit the loose
And I can get you with sharp traps
And animal life know who I am?
Best not know because I'll eat you up
Without mercy
I will get you
I want to see you out
For me no one escapes
I am a sweet charges
And tell me what you eat
For with blood I'm the animal that moves!
I'm just a sweet animals
Yeah a sweet animals
And only I will eat you
Do not be afraid i'm quietly
The most that will do
And smash his brains
Devour your brain
For I am an animal
Animal, animal,
Tell me what you eat
I'll quickly
Do not talk nonsense
I'm just an animal
And I will devour you !.

quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016

All My Moments

The first song begins now !!
And is called "All My Moments"

All My Moments

I always wanted you
In all my moments
I always dreamed about you
Always I dreamed of our kiss
I wanted it to be special
But he refused me
And in my drain was gears
Gears solitary,

My heart did not move
I know that real life
It's not like in the movies
I never thought I'd end
I looked in the mirror and said
"What about me?"
I do not and lack of love
( Lack of love )
I like to drink until he passed out
But know that you are
In all my moments
And it was never burned
The infinite oblivion
I'd rather play me

The black hole
Use your hammer wildcard
In other guys
Because I'll never be fooled
You told me you were homeless
And I sheltered you in my heart
But know that you were
In all my memories
But he lost the burning them
His memories that inhabited my brain
They lost in oblivion

And I loved the sound of fire
When burned
But know that u lived
In all my memories
And never let go
But know that you lived
In all my memories
And never let a blank memory
But baby know that ...

You lived in all my memories
In all my memories
And not one was empty
Not one went blank
All were very colorful
Thanks to me

U lived in all my memories
And not a go blank
But know that you lived

In all my memories, forever !.

Blogger Ad

Hello guys
Here the speaker and writer of songs that you will see in the folowing days:
Okay, this blogger you iram to assess the songs that I will write
And post on blogger once a week, and also you, can they write in the comments titles of songs next I'll write and mark the people who gave me this idea title, okay?
So I hope you like the blogger Corrientes titles of songs, please send me I'm crazy to write great songs that you will enjoy!
Bye until the next !!!!!