segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2016


Hello guys
Today I'll show you a new song I just did, and I'll show you guys for now and is called 'Balance' I hope you enjoy ...


Go, go, I will go!
Will I go
It can be Cauntry
Or not, can be
Rock'n Roll or not!
This party pump all
Around her baby

Balance, Balance
I want you here!
Go, go, I will go!
Will I go baby!
"Come swinging"
Get the whip and balance

Maybe Texas and
Even care to see me!
Everything will be
With like cowboy!
My autograph and her!
"Come on swinging

These boots from a master
Care of the horses there
On horses can be
Very angry with you baby yeah "
Come may already be old or not!
Come can now be fun or not!
Come can now scream or not!

Come, come, come, come I will!
Come, come, come, come I will!
Come, come, come, come I will!
If you do not see
Look well!

Four by Four and all the same!
Break the rules and more fun!
Although that makes me happy!
Let's play a game if you want not lost!
Punk may be or not!
Can be Nerd or not!
Symbols confuse me
"Come on repeat myself!"
"Make yourself your dance
Okay now repeat after me babys! "

Go, go, I will go!
Go, go, I will go!
Come on, let's rock
Come on, balance, balance, balance
Balance, I'll go with you
Will I go baby!.

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